Working out, while doing it, should not be fun but afterwards it benefits make you forget about the pain that you went thru. If you are having fun exercising then... you are really not exercising. The purpose of exercise is to get your body back in better condition than it was in or to maintain a high level of fitness. But anyway you look at it, it should hurt. For the next 26 weeks these challengers are going to go thru a lot but in the end it will pay off. Ask anyone that has been thru the program... they will tell you... they hates it but now, no medication, they can wear a bathing suit on the beach and not look like a beached whale, no more big and tall cloths, no more sleep apnea, better self esteem, marriages saved, able to do much more than they thought they could ever do... I could go on. There is no bad benefit to working out and working hard at it. now take their example and just do it!
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