How many of us when asked to do something that we were a little afraid of would not do it if that other person promised to pay you 1 million dollars? How many of us have allowed our fears get in the way of us achieving certain things in life that could have gotten us to another level in some way? How many of us have allowed other peoples fears dictate to us how we feel about something or someone?
Well this weeks challenge dealt with just that. I know it may seem simple at first but when you think about it, it wasn't as simple for some as it seemed in the end. When I met with the Challengers Saturday I told them that they were going to walk around Silver Lake, on the lake. I walk I wanted was 1.5miles around. Simple? Of course but now add in frozen water and in some parts after about 12 inches of ice 30 feet of water. It got more difficult for some. While I was talking I even saw some of their demeanor's changed from this should be fun to, heck no I can't do that.
Here was the spin though... Everyone had to do it together and everyone had to finish together. If someone fell they were to be helped up. If someone lagged they were to be helped along. In the end everyone finished and everyone enjoyed it.
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