Thursday, December 5, 2013

The cats out of the bag!!!

Back in the 1905’s Camel cigarettes was the cool thing to smoke. The guys would walk around with a pack of the cancer sticks rolled up in their short sleeve shirts and they just knew they were cool. Back then we were lead to believe that much research was done on the topic of smoking and they had doctors that endorsed cigarette smoking. Hey, if a doctor endorses it, it must be OK right?

Well…years later, after the dust has settled and the real truth was let out of the box, we come to learn that cigarette smoking was never good for us. It never “expanded our lung capacity” or “created a stronger metabolism”. Quite the opposite, it has given us lung cancer and obesity. Why did they tell us that? So that the manufacturers could make money and lots of it. Now look at us, trying to quit the habit and finding it really hard to do. But hey, they have a patch or a pill that can help you. Wow, I am so glad they have the solution to the problem THEY created.

Now for years we have heard that a person can be overweight and still be healthy. For years I would scratch my head and wonder what drugs these people who are telling us this were taking. For years my research has shown me that people who are overweight are not healthy. For years I have been telling people that even if your blood numbers may look OK and you don’t have Diabetes (yet) or High Blood Pressure(yet) or High Cholesterol (yet) it will happen as the years go on and you get older. Our bodies are not meant to handle a consistent load of an extra 50, 60 or 100 pounds. Our bodies cannot work efficiently and one day will finally break down.

The average person should be able to walk a mile in under 17 minutes with no problem. The average person should be able to run (if physically possible) for a mile at 10 minute pace with no problem. The average person should be able to do 20 good pushups. The average person should be able to do 50 good sit ups with no problem. The average person should be able to touch their toes or tie their own shoes or cut their own toe nails. The average person should be able to walk up 10 flights of stairs without getting winded and stopping. Can we do that? Absolutely not and if we find a person that can, we call them super human.

Did you know that for years the cigarette companies knew the side effects of people who smoked and they even understood that once a person does stop, they will gain at least 40 pounds? Did you know that the FDA for years has known that obesity in any form is bad but not until the Research was released by endocrinologist Dr. Ravi Retnakaran, co-author of “the study in this week’s Annals of Internal Medicine” and author Dr. Caroline Kramer. Dr Caroline Kramer has stated, “Even in the absence of such markers as high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol, an obese person with a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or greater had a 24% higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke or of early death compared to a normal-weight person.

“So we are telling people and doctors that it is not OK to be obese, even though you don’t have metabolic abnormalities…This excess of weight still confers increased risk for cardiovascular events.”

Common sense tells me that when you put more of a load on something that isn’t accustomed to the excess weight after w while it will give in and circum to the pressures of what that extra weight may cause. In our case eventually our heaviness will lead to cardiovascular issues and bone and muscle problems.

So there you have it, obesity in any form is not healthy and now doctors are jumping on board and agreeing. However, all is not lost. Don’t be alarmed. They have a pill for this too. If you want to really save money, get yourself in shape and then stay there.

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