Thursday, June 27, 2019

Dad Bod, Do women find them more attractive?

So the question is……. Do women really think that the “dad bod” is more attractive than the man who is fit with six pack abs? I have thought about this question and I did not want my opinion to sway the results, and you all would be shocked if you really knew how I felt about this topic. What do women think about this question? I decided to ask them and compile all the data I receive and make a good conclusion. So here you go…..
On 6/21/19 I decided to put a question on Facebook. Do women find the “dad bod” attractive? I asked people to IM me or text me their response and to my surprise I got a lot more responses than I thought I would get.
At first I thought that most of the women I knew would side on the “total six pack abs” side.  However, here are some of the answers I received;
Top 10 out of 303 for women not attracted the dad bod.
1)    I want the athletic guy
2)    I like guys with great pecs but not a lot of muscle
3)    I like men that don’t have boobs bigger than mine
4)    I like men who take care of themselves
5)    I’ll take the six pack
6)    I am not into the “dad bod”
7)    Slender is in
8)    Health is important
9)    Too much is no good but need to have some abs showing
10)                       Health awareness is important
Top 5 out of 70 women who were attracted to the dad bod.
1)    Never found buff attracted, usually that person is stuck on themselves
2)    Love it
3)    Yeah, shows that they put others before themselves
4)    They are more attentive
5)    My dad was heavy and he was a great provider
Then there was another category. Those who were undecided. Their answers were not surprising to me. 
Here are the top 5 of 112 people.
1)    It may look nice but what I find attractive is their inner self
2)    Outward appearance less important than inner appearance
3)    Needs to look at me and not himself
4)    Never thought about it
5)    They need to be in a little shape but not so out of shape that they have health problems.
All in all I received 485 responded (3 guys) and when I looked at all the data I found a common thread attached to everyone’s response. In every response, it was stated that the health of the guy was most important. It shows them an understanding of how important health is to that guy. Now not one of the respondents stated that those men that body build were found to be very attractive. Quite the opposite every person, even those that were into fitness, stated that they found them gross. But the guy who could balance a healthy productive life was “eye candy” to them.
Dr. Dobson once stated, “Women are not visual creatures…” and after this survey I truly believe that. Initial attraction? Yes, we all are. But once the hellos are passed and the conversations start, women want deeper meaning. They want to find out who they are speaking with and what that guy can bring to the table (not just the sex). According to Dr Dobson women are more interested in security more than sex. They want to know that they are loved and taken care of and respected (on so many levels). Every woman that I spoke with confirmed his findings and now I must also agree.
In conclusion, do women find the “dad bod” attractive? The answer according to my survey is a resounding “maybe”. What is most attractive to most women is much deeper than the exterior. What matters to women is how they will be treated, how they will be loved and how they will be respected.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Keeps your body fit and able

Keeps your body fit and able

So you want to go and do something at the spur of the moment. Maybe it is travel or play a pickup game of some sort. Can you do it? How will you feel the next day? Can you physically climb that rope or walk that travel or fit into that area? Here is one of the 50 reasons why is it important to exercise.
Not everyone is going to win the Olympics or end up on the front of some magazine, however being fit enough to do more than the average at any time for any reason is important on so many levels. If you have small kids and they want to learn how to ride a bike, can you help them or do you have to get your neighbor to help you. I had to do that for my neighbor and it is not fun. Actually it is really embarrassing on so many levels. If your school age child wanted to play a pickup game with you or your vet tells you that fighto needs to go out more and get exercise, can you take him out? In the military one has to be ready in an instant. No time for one to say, “Hey can you give me a few days to get prepared?” in the same way we should be ready in an instant for anything, including major health issues.
By having a healthy fit and able body, statistics have shown that we can concur health issues sooner than those who are not fit. University of Rochester has done a study that shows that those that are in good shape have less incidence of on the job sickness or absenteeism. Proper exercise keeps your body fit, able and strong. The body will heal faster and ward off illnesses sooner. I can’t tell you the last time I had a sickness.
Another real good reason why keeping your body fit and able is important is because it doesn’t limit your food consumption. I can eat anything at any time for any reason. But I also know that food is only a fuel and for as much input as I have, there needs to be a direct output and that is thru proper exercise. With your body fit and able your quality of life can be great. No I can’t tell you that you will put on years onto your life, but what I can say is that for whatever time you may have left, quality of life, for those whole are fit and able, is great. I have a member who is 84 years old and for most of his life he has been exercising. What that man does in a day would make most 30 year olds want a midday nap. When you look at him, you don’t see old but a man who has relied on his ability to stay fit and able, and that he has done. He still mows his 2 acre lawn, blows the leaves off his roof, goes for 5 mile walks with his wife of 67 years and so many other things an 84 year old man should not be able to do.

Well here is another reason why we need to exercise. Let’s all get up and at it. The benefit for you exercising is keeping your body fit and able.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Life expectancy

Life Expectancy

I was looking at a website the other day that I found very fascinating. This website discuss, in much detail, statistics in reference to mortality given so many factors. Factors such as obesity or cancer or heart disease among so many other factors have been put into this website . This website broke mortality into male or female (not other) and all age category. It looked at each state, county and city and gave current statistics on so many factors of our mortality. Excellent find I would say!
What I found fascinating the most is that when I looked at median income, it showed that the wealthier you are the less likely you were to die at younger ages. 

Here are some known facts:
1)      In Hawaii people tend to live the longest. The average age of mortality is 81.30 years

2)      In Mississippi people there tend to live only until age 74.96 years of age. This is the lowest of all the United States.

3)      In Hawaii the average income is $73,486 which is not too far behind DC ($75,628) and Maryland which is number one at $75,847. Mississippi had the lowest family income of all the United States at $40,593.

4)      As far as obesity was concerned, Mississippi had the highest amount of percentage of people that were considered obese. This figure is over 79%. DC and Maryland had the least amount of obesity at just under 54% and they were on the bottom of all the states.

5)      The only thing I did not see on this website was the correlation of education to mortality and obesity. I have a strong feeling that DC and Maryland would be high on the education scale and Mississippi would be one of the lowest in the country.

What I find interesting is that there seems to be a correlation between lifestyle, income and obesity. It seems as though the poorer you are the more likely you are to have major health issues. Over and over again as I read the statistics on this website was I amazed at such findings. So the question remains, what can be done to reverse the trend of obesity and poor living? Is it making more money? Is it getting more education? I really don’t know the answer to those questions, but if these statistics are correct I think the answers are obvious.

The name of the website is Check it out.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Keeps your brain fit

Keeps your brain fit

Whereas many believe that the heart is the engine of the body I personally don’t think so, I believe it is the brain. Why, because nothing can happen in the body with out there being proper and live brain function. The heart can stop beating and man can still pump blood throughout the body but if the brain stop functioning, life stops as we know it.

The brain keeps us alive. It sends electrical currents to each organ and gives every organ the energy it needs to keep functioning as that organ is supposed to. The brain is the battery of the body. It sends the electrical currents to were ever they have to go. The brain sustains life and knows when something is in trouble and needs mending. It is the command center of everyone body. Like the Capitan of a ship, the brain controls every aspect of our being.

Here is the problem that one could have if you are not fit, as stated above our brain monitors every part of our being. There isn’t one organ that the brain is not in control of and help sustains its life. Now add obesity or heart disease or any other illness, this makes the brain have to work harder to either cure the issue or sustain that organs life. With a person who exercises, it gives the brain a fighting chance to overcome illnesses and injuries. Exercise allows blood flow to all aspects of one being and this blood flow supplies the brain with the fuel to fight whatever the issue may be.
When the brain doesn’t have to work so hard to sustain life, it also has its moments to relax and that is huge. If your brain is working overtime 24/7 at some point it will not work as it is supposed to work. Can you say stroke, dementia or Alzheimer’s. Yea, there is even evidence to show that exercise and a fit body can slow the incidence of strokes, dementia and even Alzheimer. “ Can Exercise Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk?” By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS on JULY 2, 2014 wrote an article in the New York times talking about this subject and I found it quite fascinating.

Scientist had a study done on people with Alzheimer’s and found that their E4 gene was smaller in those that did not exercise to those who did exercise. I would suggest that everyone read his article at, it is good reading.  All the articles I have read suggest to me that a fit brain gives us a good quality of life on so many levels, so my suggestion to everyone is don’t stop exercising, the benefits of that outweighs anything else in the present and most definitely in the future.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Improves learning abilities

Improves learning abilities

I read this on a website the other day and wanted to share it with you:
“Exercise helps memory and thinking through both direct and indirect means. The benefits of exercise come directly from its ability to reduce insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the release of growth factors—chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells, the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, and even the abundance and survival of new brain cells.
Indirectly, exercise improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. Problems in these areas frequently cause or contribute to cognitive impairment.

Many studies have suggested that the parts of the brain that control thinking and memory (the prefrontal cortex and medial temporal cortex) have greater volume in people who exercise versus people who don’t. “Even more exciting is the finding that engaging in a program of regular exercise of moderate intensity over six months or a year is associated with an increase in the volume of selected brain regions,” says Dr. Scott McGinnis, a neurologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an instructor in neurology at Harvard Medical School.”

I have noticed that when I need to really clear my mind and think about solutions, after exercise I seem to be able to come up with solutions much easier. Exercise allows the blood to flow more efficiently thru the body which gives us the ability to allow the proper chemicals in our brain to react. Also after exercise we can focus more on the tasks at hand which gives us the ability to clearly think thru our day.

Now I am not saying that the only intelligent people in the world are all physically fit. But what I am saying is that according to doctors and The Harvard Medical School daily exercise causes less stress on ones organs and thus allows the body (the mind) to focus on the task at hand and not focus on trying to stay alive.

My challenge to all that read this is to ask yourselves a question, are you actively exercising? If not, then why not? Why not begin the process, it may just improve your learning ability.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Lifts your mood

50 Reasons to exercise (Lift your mood)

How many times have we gotten up in the morning and felt as though it was just going to be one of those days. Nothing seemed to be going right and good ole murphy was having breakfast with you. How many times did we finish a day of work and ask ourselves why we even went in to begin with. The boss yelled at us. The employees were complaining about something. There was more month than money and thru all this the stress was killing us on so many levels that your mood may have gone from happy to sad in the manner of Nano seconds.

There have been studies done that have shown and proven that exercise, when in the midst of a depression can lift your mood. We have a chemical in our body that is released by our glans that makes us feel much better and brings about a feeling that in the end swings our doom and gloom to happy and confident.

I know for myself that on those days that I have a bad day or things are just not going right I will go and get some exercise in and my whole attitude changes. Exercise allows me to get out of my own head and concentrate on something else, which in the end, benefits both my mind and body. Also I find that exercise allows me to logically think thru my issues. I can’t even tell you how many times, when in the midst of a complicated problem, a solution has come to my mind that has solved the problem at hand.

Exercise is also one of the most effective ways to improve your mental health. Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts overall mood.

Studies show that exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication—but without the side-effects, of course. In addition to relieving depression symptoms, research also shows that maintaining an exercise schedule can prevent you from relapsing.
Exercise is a powerful depression fighter for several reasons. Most importantly, it promotes all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. It also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good. Finally, exercise can also serve as a distraction, allowing you to find some quiet time to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression.

I have noticed that when I am under a lot of stress my muscles tense up. My lower back hurts. I get a low migraine headache and my neck hurts. On some occasions my blood pressure will go sky high (some cases 180-105) and I need some way to reduce the stress. Most people go and take drugs, but there are side effects to all that medication. Whereas with exercise there are no chemical side effects like there would be if I was taking medications. After exercising, I feel 100% better and ready to tackle any stresses that may come my way.

I highly recommend exercise. It will change your mood on so many levels.

Friday, April 7, 2017

50 reasons why

50 reasons why you should exercise

The number one reason why people don’t exercise is…. You guessed it, we are lazy. However, this blog is about quit the opposite. This blog is about the 50 reasons why we should exercise. Then once a week after that I will break each reason down why they are so important. So here are the 50 reasons why we should all be exercising:
01.Lifts your mood                                                                      26.Strengthens your bones
02.Improves learning abilities                                                     27. Strengthens your heart
03.Builds self-esteem                                                                  28. Improves posture
04.Keeps your brain fit                                                                29. Prevents colds
05.Keeps your body fit and able                                                  30. Improves appetite
06.Boost mental health                                                                31. Improves cholesterol levels
07.Boosts mental health                                                               32. Lowers risk if (certain) cancers
08.Reduces stress                                                                         33. Lower high blood pressure
09.Makes you feel happier                                                           34. Lowers risk of diabetes
10.Has anti-aging effect                                                               35. Fights dementia
11.Improves skin tone and color                                                  36. Eases back pain
12.Improves sleeping patterns                                                      37. Decreases osteoporosis risk
13.Helps prevent strokes                                                              38. Reduces feelings of depression
14.Improves joint function                                                           39. Prevents muscle loss
15.Improves muscle strength                                                        40. Increases energy and endurance
16.Alleviates anxiety                                                                    41. Increases sports performance
17.Sharpens memory                                                                    42. Increases pain resistance
18.Helps to control addictions                                                      43. Improves balance and coordination
19.Boosts productivity                                                                  44. Improves oxygen supply to cells
20.Boosts creative thinking                                                           45. Improves concentration
21.Improves body image                                                               46. Helps with self-control
22.Gives you confidence                                                               47. Lessens fatigue
23.Helps you keep focus in life                                                     48. Increases sex drive and satisfaction
24.Improves eating habits                                                              49. Makes life more exciting
25.Increases longevity                                                                   50. Improves quality of life

So there you have it, 50 reasons why we should exercise. In my next blog I will being the process of discussing each one in more detail. But just for the fun of it, read  them over again and ask yourself this question, where do I need help and can exercising really help me? Think about it.