Last weekend this is what the Weight Loss Challenge people did. “I never thought that sit-ups could hurt so bad. But they were worth it in the end. I need to do these every day.” One person told me after the challenge. “I never thought that I was going to be able to complete the chair squats and just one month ago this would have been impossible. Today I can do them and even though they hurt I welcome the pain.” Another told me.
In reference to the sit-ups, there was no swinging of the hand allowed. The fingers had to stay by the ears and the elbows forward and you had to touch your knees with your elbows. When I said “come up” you had to come all the way to a sitting position and then I would say “down” and you would go all the way down. In the end the winner did 94 total sit-ups.
In the push-up challenge, everyone started flat on the floor with their hands to their sides. You were not allowed to go up and then have your glutes sticking straight up in the air like a tee-pee. Your back and your hips had to stay flat. The women had to decide on what position they wanted to use and they were not allowed to change half way thru the challenge. When I said up, you would come up and lock your arms out and wait for me to say down in which case you would go all the way to the floor. In the end the winner did 50 total push-ups.
Now with the squats you were not allowed to use your hands at all to get you out of the chair. You could only use your legs. You had to sit down perfectly with back straight and then when you get up you could only use your legs. When I said up you would come up and when I said down you would have to go all the way down. Your glutes would have to firmly touch the chair. In the end the winners did 331 chair squats in less than 5 minutes. After all of these challenges were over, walking truly became an option. Good job to all.
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