Tuesday, January 21, 2014

To be or not to be...and then why not

Are you out of shape? Can you stand to lose some pounds? What real long term or short term benefit is there in being out of shape? I can’t think of one however, I can think of many benefits to being in shape. But I am not going to write to you the obvious, but ask you a few questions.

1) When you look in the mirror do you like what you see?
2) Do you feel uncomfortable going to a beach or pool?
3) Can you run a mile if you had to?
4) Could you walk a mile if you had to?
5) Do you have to shop in the big and tall stores and not because your 6’5” or taller?
6) When you are around other people do they look like they feel sorry for you?
7) Do you get out of breath easy?
8) Can you walk up two flights of stairs without stopping and not getting out of breath?
9) Can you walk up one flight of steps without getting out of breath?
10) Do you need to take medications just to get going in the morning?
11) What if you stopped taking your medications, what would happen?
12) Do you spend more than $10 a month of medications?
13) Are your cloths fitting tighter than they use too?
14) Do your friends think that you are older than you truly are?
15) If your kids wanted you to play an active aerobic game, could you for more than 10 minutes?
16) Can people look at you and say to themselves that they want to be like you?
17) Can people look at you and say that they want to do what you do?
18) When you go to the doctor, are you ever nervous about your physical results?
19) Is you general physician your best friend because of all the health issues you may have?
20) Are you tired of having to take so much medication just to get going?

If you honestly answer these questions and any or all of them are answered yes, then what are you doing to change your situation? Just complaining about your situation does nothing. Telling your friends who may be in the same situation as you does nothing to improve your situation. Just praying about it without any action does nothing. Getting depressed and feeling sorry for oneself does nothing. However putting a systematic plan together and finding a person to help you and keep you accountable will yield you positive and long lasting results. Now get off the couch and do it. If you need help, every morning I post an exercise on my FB page Parkers Place Total Fitness. Like us on that page and enjoy the benefits of a good practical workout. Enjoy…

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