I was watching the TV the other day and I notice on "Good Morning America" a lady who was talking about America and our obesity problem. She is their expert nutritionist and to say the least very truthful.
She showed concern on how fat we have come as a nation and the ramifications that it will have on us as a nation. She stated that with the obesity of today this could have a profound effect on our national status as a "Super Power" in the world. She stated that unless we wake up we will find ourselves looking in on what we use to be.
I both agree but disagree with her.
I agree that we are getting heavier every year. I agree that this obesity, for the majority of people, can be stopped. But because of our laziness it hasn't happened. I agree that we know what we have to do we just don't have the desire to do it. I agree that Diabetes (type 2) is up big time and High Blood Pressure is also up and both of these in most cases can be avoided just by exercise. I agree that we eat way to much and at the wrong times and for all the wrong reasons. I agree that we have too many diets and diet plans and this is confusing so many on what is good from what is just a fad.
However I don't agree on our "Super Power" status and this is why. You see she left one major important thing out of her equation, GOD. He gave us that status and no one but him can take it away from us, NO ONE. Yes, we have fallen as a nation and run( and for some walked) far away from God in so many ways. But in the end we are still a Christian nation and a freed people and with this in mind our "Super Power" Status is still very strong.
Remember, only God can take away something that he gave us freely.
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