Well it is finally over. No it is not, it has only begun. In January we started with 15 people and in the end 12 lasted the full 6 months and for that they have reap a benefit that will last them a lifetime. They have a new start on life. Whereas some have completed their goal and now need to maintain, and still some need to still lose weight, all have gained an experience that one day they will tell their grand children changed their life forever.
My goal and desire (as it always has been) was to give them an opportunity to begin a new life much better than their past. To get them off of their medications or at least reduce them. To let them feel better about themselves and to dream and have those dreams come true. Some told me that they haven’t felt so good since their high School years and others told me that they had never been so fit, but all pretty much agreed that the experience was well worth the time in the end.
Some (if not all of them) had some question about how certain things were run this year and I would not give them an idea on how and why I did certain things. Well, now I will tell why I did what I did.
Over the last few years my eyes have been opened to the fact that we have become a very overweight society. Well, let’s call a spade a spade; we have become a very FAT and lazy society. Now not just in the sense of being overweight but also in our attitude to settle for second best in everything we do. When we fall short of our goals we can always find someone that will say that is was “ok” but very few will say “No! It is not OK, you are better than that so now get out there and get-it-done”. Of the three people that quit, that was their problem, they had people that would enable them to settle for second best instead of challenging them to stick it out and finish.
On several of the challenges as soon as the challenges got a little hard (i.e. The Obstacle Course) I would have people coming to me to change that challenge in some way. I never gave in, why because I knew that you could complete whatever task I put in front of them and I was not going to enable them to fail. Then when they did complete it they were a better people for it. We have become too nice to those that, at this point in their life, we should be challenging. Unfortunately, my job was to and is to challenge you to become better people. For some it is working but for most it is not.
I can say that those 12 who finished are better people for it.
Marsha H 175.4 151.8
Debbie L 312.2 259.0
Josh F 380.8 353.2
James F 328.4 289.4
Krista O 287.0 238.2
Josh B 326.0 241.4
Vic G 326.4 221.0
Tracie B 245.4 177.4
Darcey L 189.0 156.4
Mark M 285.2 236.2
Richard A 395.0 279.6
Mary S 209.6 140.0
They just have not finished the task in front of them; they have begun a new life a second chance, a chance to tell a story but this time with a good, happy ending. Now to those that did not finish and quit before the end, yes you failed, but it is not too late. You can still change your life but it will take a strong effort for you do to that. Get with a person that will not let you settle for second best and will hold you accountable and get rid of all those people who have gotten you to where you are today. Those bad influences are just that bad for you get rid of them. No it is not “ok” to be on medications that you really don’t need to be on if you lost the weight. No it is not “ok” and you are not “just think boned” people. You are made in the image of God not a “cream-puff” or a “hamburger” and don’t let anyone tell you any different. I am here for you and can help you.
Now to all, may God bless you and keep you. May he shine his face upon you and may you never, never, never forget the blessing He has given you…..LIFE.

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