Tuesday, September 23, 2014

#12 You hang around overweight people

Well does this make sense? Who we hang around complement who we are or want to be. If we are looking to lose weight, why would we hang around people who may not have your same goals in mind? If a person wants to become a world class sprinter, do they hang around high school distance runners? If you want to get fit and trim, why hang around people who are out of shape and overweight?
When someone wants to make lifestyle changes, believe it or not, there is one of the elements of change that is hard to break, our old friendships. Unless they have been pushing you to change, as you achieve your goals you may find yourself distancing away from those friends. If this doesn’t happen, even as strong as we think we are, they will wear us down and we will lose our focus. So, if we are trying to lose weight or get in better shape, find some people that have our same similar goals and hang out with them and watch what happens.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Three Special People

September of 2004 something happened in the town of Oconomowoc, Parkers Place opened its doors at 125 North Fowler Street. Here I was in a new city and the people did not know me or what I was about. I needed to find some good people and fast to get my business going. Then one day while I was sitting in my office a gentleman comes in and introduces himself and states to me that his wife was looking and that she had been in fitness for a while. After all the information he gave me about her, was really stoked to meet her. A few days later she came walking in and we must have talked for hours.
I have always considered myself a judge of good character and when I met Joni Boelkow I knew from that moment that she would be the perfect person for Parkers Place. She is friendly and caring. She goes the extra mile and is very loyal to those she cares about. She has a great sense of humor and very hard working. She has had a lot of life experiences that, when I think about, it humbles me because of her attitude towards life. She is a strong Christian woman with great values. Her knowledge in senior fitness is second to none and it shows by her following. To this day she still has the same people as she did 10 years ago. Here is the kicker… she has added more people to her Monday thru Wednesday Senior classes. She is one of a kind and she is very special to me. I could not run my business without her.
Then there is Tony Hilbert. I met tony just as he was entering High School. I remember him coming into Parkers Place and asking me for a job. I told him no at first because he was so young and I was looking for responsible people. But he kept insisting that I hire him. Finally, to get him off my back, I told him that I needed a note from his mother. I remember him leaving and I thought I would never see him again. Well I was wrong. 30 minutes later here he comes walking in with a note that he stated to me was from his mother. I did not believe him at first but then I locked outside and there she was waiting for him in the car. Well ten years later, he is my weekend man. I have all the faith and trust in Tony’s abilities. He is by far the most intelligent man I know and I respect his loyalty and faithfulness to Parkers Place.
Finally there is Mark Skumatz. At the same time that I met Joni, I met Mark. I remember having a conversation with him and his wife about the prospects of him joining me here. He told me that he always wanted to do something like this for a living. I was skeptical at first but I decided to give him a chance. It was the best move I made. Mark is by far the most loyal, most friendly person I know. He exemplifies everything an Eagle Scout is supposed to. He is very honest and hardworking. People love him and he is well respected in the community. He cares for Parkers Place I think even more than I do sometimes. When I am having a bad day he knows just how to motivate me to get out of my slump. When I just want to give up he knows just what to say or do to get me back on the right track. He cares for the members and is willing to do whatever is necessary for their ultimate fitness success.
These three people are my pride and joy. I am glad we met and I am glad that, after 10 years, we all still work together. They truly are Parkers Place. Thanks guys!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Great News!!!!!!!!!

Great News!!!!! It’s about time!!!!

I was watching my favorite show on television Mad Men (Sterling, Cooper, Draper & Price) and in the latest episode the agency decides to never work with cigarette manufacturers (Lucky Strike American Tobacco). According to their reasoning, it was mainly because of the health risks associated with cigarette smoking and they could no longer feel good about helping tobacco companies make money, while understanding that tobacco smoking caused cancer. Good for them!

Now I know that Mad Men is not the reality of the world as we know it today however my wife tells me today that CVS has decided to STOP selling cigarettes in all of their stores. Their reasoning was that if they are going to be known as a health and wellness place they cannot sell something that is known to be the opposite. Good for them! They also went on to say that the profits associated with the selling of cancer sticks is not worth it. Well I can tell you that I have a lot of respect for them and will go out of my way to spend my money at the local CVS stores.

OK so let’s get some facts out of the way here:
Fact: Cigarette smoking does cause cancer.
Fact: Cigarette smoking ruins your teeth.
Fact: Cigarette smoking ages your skin.
Fact: If everyone who smoked saved those dollars, they would save over $2000 a year and this is for a one pack a day person.
Fact: If someone stops smoking they WILL gain at least 40 pounds in 6 months regardless of who much exercise they do.
Fact: Nicotine has a half life in our bodies and it takes much longer than just 6 months to get rid of in our bodies.

CVS is doing something that I am hoping many more corporations do. They are understanding that they can still make money and do well for the public and they don’t need to sell their soul to do so. My hope and my prayers are that soon enough no corporations will sell cigarettes and tobacco companies will have to go out of business. For years they have killed billions of people and regardless of how much good they say they are trying to do, their main profit come from cancer sticks and they are not willing to give that up.

Good for you CVS!