Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Really, how committed are you to your health? Now let me help you really answer this question by asking you some other questions. 1) Right before you go to bed and while you are in bed, what are you thinking about? 2) Do you have a regular workout routine that you follow every day or do you go when your mood is right? 3) On your free moments during the day what do you do? 4) On your free moments during your breaks at work what do you do? 5) What does your diet regiment consist of? 6) Do you eat out more than twice a month? 7) What do you consider a good time? 8) When was the last time you really had a good sweat? I am not referring to glowing. 9) When you miss a day where you do no exercising, how do you feel? 10) How many times a week do you go to fast food restaurants? 11) When you are depressed or stressed out, how do you get over those feelings? 12) What health and fitness goals do you have for yourself? Depending on the answers to these questions will tell you how committed you are to your health. The person who is committed to bettering their health would answer those questions as follows; 1) While in bed they are thinking about what their workout will be for that next day and what time they can get it done and what they are looking to accomplish. 2) They have a regular workout schedule and they let very little stop them from accomplishing it. If something does get in the way, they figure out a way to still get it in that day. 3) On their free moments, they are either resting or looking for ways to improve their conditioning. This could be by reading up on a new idea or planning for that days exercise activity. 4) If they are at work and they have a free moment (30 minutes or more), they are either resting or looking for ways to improve their conditioning. This could be by reading up on a new idea or planning for that days exercise activity. 5) They are very particular with what they put in their body. Things such as soda, alcohol, junk food are a very small part, if not at all, of their diet. They bring fruit and veggies to work for snacks instead of candy bars. 6) These people rarely eat out. Only on special occasions do they do this and even then they are very particular on how much and what they consume. They may eat out or order out twice a month at best. All their foods are cooked at home. 7) A good time for these people always consists around some sort of exercising. They look for the opportunity to constantly improve on their health. Standing around drinking beer at a bar or socializing for no real purpose seems meaningless and is rarely done outside to context of something they just physically completed. 8) These people sweat every day. I am referring to cloths drenched, hair disheveled, make-up not running but off, sweat. They understand that it should be part of our life to help our body get rid of the toxins we have in our bodies and it helps our body work much more efficient. 9) These people feel bad. They feel as though they missed a good opportunity to improve on their health and they feel as though they need to hit it harder the next day. 10) These people go very seldom to fast food places. Let me be more specific… maybe once every two weeks. 11) These people feel as though if they do get stressed or out of sorts that exercise will give them the ability to think through their problems. The exercise does not solve the problem for them but it gives them the ability to find solutions to help them with the problem or stress. 12) Their goals are specific and in most cases written out. They never use the loss of weight as a goal but understand that once they achieve the goals they set forth, weight loss will be an ending bi-product. Now I know some of you are saying that these answers are just not realistic, but they are. This is not to say that they put everything else on hold all the time. But their health is the most important thing to them so they are committed to improving it every day. Just by truthfully answering those questions, you can tell where your commitment lies. Remember without our health we really have nothing. Let’s get committed to the very thing that gives us life and stop abusing it or in time it will finally give out and you will have no one to blame but yourself.

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