I was watching the morning news today and there was a doctor (Nancy Snyderman on NBC) that was talking about where we are as a society today. She is so right! We are not getting thinner and more fit we are getting fatter and more out of shape. Because of this she says the “we are going to ultimately lose our super power status as a nation”. Think about this, back even 50 years ago we did so much in reference to our daily living. We walked more, we road our bikes more, we played out in the streets more. There was more farming done so we worked more outside.
Now look at us. Whereas, it was very hard for me to stay inside, especially during the summer, I always wanted to go out and play with my friends. Now they just want to play on their X-box or even worst yet, they do go over to some ones home and they still stay inside that person’s house and PLAY X-BOX. We drive everywhere. Even to the point where I know some people that drive to get their mail in their mail box.
We have become so lazy that we will pay dearly for it. Remember when we where in high school and we wanted to see a friend, did we not get on our bikes and ride to their house? We did not care where they lived we just needed to get out and go. Now, look at us, we find excuses on why we don’t do that now.
With technology at our finger tips we have become much more impatient and much lazier. A great example of that are computers and the microwaves. Right now we can get anything we want on the internet in less than 1 second. If by chance it takes 10 seconds we begin to complain and threaten to take the unit back. Or what about our foods? Now we just microwave them in half the time. In both cases the computer is making us lazy and the microwave is taking all the vitamins and nutrition out of our food which is making us unhealthy.
The bottom line here is that we need to get back to the basics. We need to put on our shoes and go exercise. So many of you are so lazy that you feel that as long as you take medication you will be fine. Medication, for some, should only be a temporary solution to the problem. In most cases with proper exercise and diet you can stop taking those pills and begin to live again. Yes, there are some that need medications, such as type I diabetics (not type II), but for most you don’t (I am even referring to HBP and High Cholesterol). If most doctors were honest with us they would tell you that with the right regular exercise program 90% of medications would not be necessary.
Guys do you really think that it is attractive walking around with an alcohol gut looking like you are 9 months pregnant? Then you complain about back problems to your spouse (who just came back from the gym). So you take a pill to make the back problems go away and then when it does you think you are OK. No, you are not OK, you just deaden the pain. The problem is still right out in front of you.
Women do you think it is really attractive when you walk around with hips that when you walk, if you walk in the woods on a dry day, could start a forest fire? Then you complain when your spouse goes out and looks at other women.
In both cases with the proper discipline you can concur these issues and become better people for it. The funny thing is that we, as Americans, know exactly what we should be eating and we choose not to. Then when we gain weight we complain. Then when someone comes along side you to help you, you use every excuse you possibly can to fight the person helping you.
Guys you have two choices here;
1) You can turn from your ways and begin a good exercise and nutrition program, which we know will put you in much better shape or
2) You can continue the way you are and live a miserable existence (admit it). Or let me put it a different way, living second best.
Anyway you look at it, it is your choice and what you choose will ultimately determine the fate of this country. Yes, YOUR COUNTRY!
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