The dreaded truck-pull. So many were afraid of it, so many told me that they could not do it, but in the end all did it. All of them had heard that it was going to be a hard challenge. I had two of them come up to me and tell me that they just could not do it. One excuse after another, from a bad foot, to a blown knee. But together they could do it and they did. My goal here was to show them that, yes they are right; in it of themselves they cannot pull the 6500 pound truck up a slight incline 300 meters. In it of yourself they would probably hurt something. But with a partner, with a person that can come along side them and help them in the task YOU CAN DO IT AND ACHIEVE HEIGHTS THEY THOUGHT WERE IMPOSSIBLE. Below you can see their effort and their times. Please note this was a 300 meter course and they are pulling a 6500 pound truck up an incline.
Mark and Krista 2:55.00 seconds

Rick and Mary 2:44.00 seconds

Vic and Marsha 3:04.00 seconds
Josh and Tracy 2:53.00 seconds

Steve and Darcey 3:28.00 seconds

Special thanks to Auto Connections for the donation of the truck, to the Oconomowoc school system for the use of their driveway and to Vic Glassey for donating his pull-ropes. Thanks guys this challenge was successful because of all of you.
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