Sprinting is only for a short time
Have you ever heard the expression “sprinting out of the blocks”? Well, if you haven’t, it is a running term meaning getting out quickly and it usually pertains to sprinters. In life, however; sprinting out of the blocks is something I do not recommend. Why you may ask? Doesn’t it get you out in front and ahead of your competition?
Yes, is gets you out in front and ahead of your competition, but in most cases burnout happens much earlier than if you just paced yourself and enjoyed the ride. In life, I have found that those that are in a constant hurry almost never accomplish anything of true lifelong value. Yes they will hit certain goals, but never win the final prize.
How many of us have heard of a person who was poor one day and a millionaire the next. By the time they were 25 years old they had millions in the bank, only to find out that by the time they were 30 years old, they had gone bankrupt several times since then. On the other hand, how many of us have heard of a person who worked all of their adult life and finally realized the American dream and saved enough money to accumulate one million dollars and then heard that they are living “happily ever after”? There is a reason for that. The one that got there quickly learned no lessons along the way to keep them from falling back and there was no support system under them. Whereas the one who had these riches thrust upon them over a long period of time had time to experience the ups and downs and develop support systems to help them stay afloat.
It is the same thing in your health and fitness life. Those that try and get really fit quickly end up quitting really quickly and the opposite effect happens. Usually, they end up heavier than they first started out. However, those that methodically take their time and plan out their goals and achieve them over a long period of time end, over time, right where they want to be. At this point, they have a better chance of maintaining this level of fitness than losing it overnight.
Guys, you are three months into the year now. Don’t get discouraged because you are not that size zero you wanted to be by now, when you started at a size 12 in January. Give yourself time. Give your body time, it will happen. You just need to stay in the race. Remember, sprinting is only for a short time.