Well this one was just as I thought it would be, HARD. Do you remember when you were in High School and you had to do the Presidential Fitness test? Do you remember really pushing yourself to not be the first one to stop or not be the slowest runner or the shortest jumper and if you were you felt bad and your self esteem went out the window and you asking yourself what was the real purpose?
Well now imagine 30 years later and walking into the old (new) gym and doing those tests again, but now with a purpose. Imagine 15 other people in your same position standing right next to you getting ready to do the same thing. Well this week the Challengers did two tests. These were to test their endurance and strength. They were, “The Beep Test” and the “Weight walk”.
With the beep test you are standing on a basketball court and when the beep sound happens you run to the other side (60feet). As this test goes on the beeps get closer and closer to the point that by the time you get to 100 passes (laps) you are pretty much sprinting. The “Weight Walk” is just that you are walking with weights in your hands until you can no longer hold the weights. The men had 65 pounds in each hand and the ladies had 30 pounds in each hand.

As expected the challengers had a hard time with the beep test no one lasted 8 minutes however this was used as a bench mark for the next time we do it in June. The same with the weight walk however they did really well with that. The men’s winner (Vic) walked 1150 feet with 65 pounds in each hand and the women’s winner (Mary) walked 1205 feet with 30 pounds in her hands. Congrats to all.