Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Don't believe the hype!

I was just listen to the radio and the announcer comes on the air and says, “Great News! After further studies the FDA has come out and stated that Diet soda is not bad for us and that the amount of ASPARTAME in one soda is not enough to alter our blood numbers.” She went on further to say, “According to the FDA we would need to drink more than 20 sodas a day for that to happen.”

So there you have it. I call this the “OMG people are getting smart and we are losing money syndrome”, so the manufacturers go out and pay whoever they have to just so they can have some “expert” source state that diet soda is OK to drink.

MONSANTO’S was the originator of this sugar substitute and since they have lost their patent, many others have come out with their versions of the same product. Here is the kicker MONSANTO’S along with many other manufacturers give funds to the American Diabetes Association, The American Dietetic Association and the Conference of the American College of Physicians. I know this because it was recently in the New York Times.

Once the report came out about the true facts about ASPARTAME, I know these companies at first thought that there would not be too much backlash but once the stuff hit the fan and people have begun the process of getting off of that addictive substance the manufacturers panicked and pulled the MONEY card and low and behold a few months later we here, “Hey you know… my bad… diet soda is not bad for you… it’s actually ok to drink :)”.

Guys, the facts are the facts. ASPARTAME, no matter in any quantity is bad for you. It has been proven that at 86 degrees F ASPARTAME chemically changes to formaldehyde and then to formic acid which in turn causes metabolic acidosis (that just sounds bad). The average person that drinks diet soda has 3-4 sodas a day and they think that it is HEALTHIER than regular soda, well it isn’t and never has been. Too much ASPARTAME in your system will do the following to you if you suffer from tinnitus or fibromyalgia;
• Spasms
• Shooting pains
• Numbness in the legs
• Cramps
• Vertigo
• Dizziness
• Headaches
• Tinnitus
• Joint pain
• Unexplained depression
• Anxiety attacks
• Slurred speech
• Blurred vision
• Memory loss
If you have any of those systems and you drink Diet soda of any kind you might just have ASPARTAME poisoning.

Now it is reversible and the way to reverse what you have done is simple, stop drinking Diet soda and be on alert for other products that have this killer in them. Dr H.J. Roberts stated this in his lecture and he stated something else, “NO DRUGS WERE NECESSARY TO REVERS THIS PROBLEM”. Well that works for me.

Guys don’t believe the hype even if they try and down play the proof that is out there for all the public to read. Remember, they don’t really care about you. They only care about their bottom line. Don’t believe me? Can you say “Cigarette Manufacturers?” Enjoy your day.

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