Monday, January 27, 2014

You need motivation?

I love my wife and I know she loves me. I am confident that regardless of what happens to me she will always love me. But does that give me the right to not give her my very best in all that I am and all I do?

I love my wife so much that I want to give her my all at all times. I want to be the best I can be, not so I can brag about who I am and what I can do but so that I make her even more proud of me. I know that regardless of what happens to me she will love me, but should I not try and give her even more reasons to love me? I keep my body in good condition not just for my own edification but so that when she is out in the public she can really feel proud of what I look like and who I am. Just as my love is unconditional towards her and her love is the same for me, because of that it makes me want to give her more than my very best.

This last week I had a conversation with a few members about this one subject. I asked them a really stupid question, “Does your spouse love you?” I knew the answer because I knew each one of their spouses but I was trying to make a point, understanding that, why would you not want to give them your very best. Their problem was motivation. They just can’t seem to get motivated long enough to make a difference in their physical lives as they tell me. My next question was if they love their spouses and their resounding response was “of course”. My next statement was, “then how could you not find motivation in just that?” the room went silent.

So what is it going to take America for us to finally wake up and see that we need to improve on our health? One day when your spouse or significant other tells us that they are seeing someone else and when we see that other person they look like “a knock out”? Or when our doctor tells us that we have a major illness that could have been avoided if we had been in better shape? Or when you finally lose a limb because of the diabetes we contracted due to weight and diet issues? What is it going to take before we wake up and get yourself in better shape? We have all the excuses on why we shouldn’t get up and get going but in the end are we really showing our spouse or significant other how much they really mean to us? Or are we being selfish and resting on the fact that our spouse loves us enough to have to take care of us when we are down.

What more motivation does a person need then the unconditional love of their partner? It is truly selfish to receive love without giving it back tenfold. Do we want or need motivation? Look at our partners and ask yourself a question, are we really giving our partners the very best we can give them? If the answer is no or maybe, then what more motivation do we need. Enjoy your day.

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